Sunday 22 July 2007

More responses...

Stoke City responded with the classic "unfortunately we cannot help you". All of which I was expecting from most clubs anyway. Other people thought "oh yeah clubs will donate you shirts" - but it doesn't work like that, hence why we've gone for individual sponsorship rather than relying on clubs donating shirts etc.

Wolves phoned me up this morning. We're going to them at about 1:30am so when they phoned me I expected them to say "good luck, but we can't help", but in fact they said that they have security on duty 24/7 so they're more than willing to help. They shall leave a shirt out for us to borrow and let us do our tricks in front of the main sign. So good on you Wolves!!!

We now have 12 people sponsored £10 each, so we're 1/10th of the way there. It is definately possible.

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