Friday 20 July 2007

4 more clubs respond!

Got 2 more letters through door today and they're both from Premier League clubs. Sunderland and West Ham United both responded informing me that theyre passing the letter onto someone who deals with the enquiry more accurately. The letter to me wasn't needed to tell me that but it's very nice of them. Darlington (in their lush new stadium) phoned me up and said they would have had us on the pitch in shirts doing our kick-ups but they can't accomodate us as we're scheduled there at 9:30pm. Big shame we can't change the route THAT much. Rushden & Diamonds also phoned to ask for more info about the charity etc. It seems that the majority of letters got there today/yesterday. I expect next week to a busy week of liasing with clubs and sponsors. We've reached the £100 mark already (and that excludes the tax return!). So keep sponsoring us people! We need to reach £1,160 BEFORE we leave.

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